Abstract: In probabilistic belief revision, the kinematics principle is a well-known and powerful principle which ensures that changing the probabilities of facts does not change unnecessarily conditional probabilities. A related principle, the principle of conditional preservation, has also been one of the main guidelines for the axioms of iterated belief revision in the seminal paper by Darwiche and Pearl. However, to date, a fully elaborated kinematics principle for iterated revision has not been presented. We aim to fill this gap in this paper by proposing a qualitative kinematics principle for iterated revision of epistemic states represented by total preorders. As new information, we allow sets of conditional beliefs, going far beyond the current state of the art of belief revision. We introduce a qualitative conditioning operator for total preorders which is compatible with conditioning for Spohn's ranking functions as far as possible, and transfer the technique of c-revisions to total preorders to provide a proof of concept for our kinematics principle at least for special revision scenarios.
This work presents a qualitative version of the work presented in the paper
``Ranking kinematics for revising by contextual information'' (Meliha Sezgin, Gabriele Kern-Isberner and Christoph Beierle, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence volume 89).